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Federation of Heathfield and St Francis Schools home page

Federation of Heathfield and St Francis Schools

SEN Information and Local Offer

Teaching and Learning


At the Federation of Heathfield and St Francis,  teaching and learning is adapted to meet the pupil’s personal development needs. It is a highly modified and adapted National Curriculum. Each pupil has their own personalised learning pathway. The starting point is the child and their specific learning priorities. Skills are broken down and taught in small learning steps. Learning is tailored to your child through an Individual Education Plan (IEP). Targets and outcomes are negotiated with parents, the school staff and other professionals. Children are encouraged to learn in the style that motivates them. Our specialist curriculum is effective because we believe that children and young people learn when they are fully engaged and having fun.


If your child comes to either Heathfield or St. Francis School they will benefit from a dedicated and devoted staff team who are trained in specialist approaches. Our staff ratios are high and your child will be in a class with a teacher and a number of learning support assistants. Class sizes are very small.


Health support


  • We have a full time Pastoral Support Officer at Heathfield and a Qualified Nurse at St Francis.
  • Staff are trained to undertake a wide range of medical and care procedures.


Therapy and Social Care support


The Federation is committed to working in close partnership with health and social care professionals. Your child will benefit from a multi professional approach to meet their needs. Most clinics and social care meetings are held in school.


  • We have NHS physiotherapists and occupational therapists in school everyweek.
  • We also have two Speech and Language Therapists who visit every week.
  • We currently purchase sessions from a private occupational therapist to lead in sensory integration.


These professionals devise therapy programmes which our experienced class staff deliver.


Sensory support


We work closely with the Teacher Advisory Service for sensory needs.

If your child has an additional need such as a hearing or visual impairment we will arrange for the Hampshire teacher advisers to visit, assess their needs and provide advice to the school.


Communication support


Communication needs will be supported and will be met by the schools working in close collaboration with the therapists. Your child will be assessed for a range of high and low tech approaches to support their communication including Eye Gaze and symbol based communication systems. We also use Makaton(signing system) and PECS ( Picture Exchange Communication System), Body signing and Objects of Reference to support learning.


If appropriate an AAC (Augmentative and Alternative Communication) assessment and intervention will be provided.


Behavioural and emotional support


All pupils will be given the emotional support they need to be safe and comfortable in school. Behaviour management programmes will be in place for children who require additional support. These will be developed with the parents.